People buy items out of need or simply because. Some people's need to shop drives them to bankruptcy, debt, or the brink.
These zodiac signs are shopaholics. Keep track if you're dating one.
They don't think twice about using their credit card at all. However, they do this because they value exploration and novelty.
Infrequently, they will spend money on purely superficial items like cosmetics, handbags, shoes, etc.
They struggle with buying too. Programs, workshops, and classes cost them.
They love trying new things, but they might get overwhelmed by too many at once. Good thing they don't buy stuff.
Money management is their weakest trait. Every other day they'll shop. The pleasure becomes addictive as they flee reality.
They must never use internet shopping apps on their phones because they spend more than they make.
People-pleasers might be lavish because they want the best. To impress their lover, they will indulge and go crazy. Otherwise, they spend to fill a gap.
Strong wants. These people go overboard with sexuality and materialism. They love wanting everything. They like pricey jewelry, art, antiques, and unusual items.
They love attention and want to acquire trendy items. They buy designer brands. Visit their closets for jealousy. They love buying clothes, regardless of cost.